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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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nephrologist for athletes

Hi - Does Dr. Attia have a network of Nephrologist he would recommend for athletes? I live in the Austin, Texas area but am willing to travel anywhere. Thank you

A case for optimism

Dr Attia - loved your book and have been an avid listener of your podcast for a number of years. I'm a bit of an evangelist for your content and general approach to longevity and optimal health. My only observation is that in many cases, your prognosis appears bleak for someone who isn't an elite 20-year-old athlete and has a few decades of questionable lifestyle behaviour under his belt. Can you make a case for being optimistic about longevity, especially when a patient already exhibits worrying markers of poor long-term health (e.g. one or more of the Four Horsemen)? Which progressive diseases and prior damage can never be undone, no matter how stringent a patient's existing health regimen? Conversely, if a patient follows a rigorous health protocol in the second half of his life, what types of issues can can be overcome? Hoping for a silver lining... Many thanks.

Keto and Ultra-Training

Hello. I have to say the content you and your team provide is amazing, keep it up! I am planning on doing my first Ultra-marathon next year. Currently, I am in a building phase (mobility, strength and flexibility) in order to train and race injury free. I am researching starting a Ketogenic diet and maintaining that throughout next season. Questions: What advice would you give for transition to this type of diet for the endurance athlete? Is it a viable option during longer training sessions (3+ hours)? Thank you!

Dr. Attia's Nighttime Cortisol, Glucose, and Mental Health Journey

Back in 2018, Dr. Attia said that his nighttime average glucose was actually higher than his daytime average glucose, even though he'd been off keto for soem time. He attributed this to high cortisol levels. Now that he's put so much work into his mental health, have his nighttime glucose levels come down? And can he disentangle this from the drug and supplement cocktail he takes before bed, some of which is intended to blunt cortisol levels?


I heard recently that all levels of fluoride in water is bad and is considered a neurotoxin, is this true?