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Addressing non-ASCVD heart conditions?

Dear Peter, thank you for addressing one of the 4-Horseman, ASCVD, in so much detail throughout your book and podcasts. Would it be possible to also spend some time addressing questions relating to other non-ASCVD heart conditions? Namely, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, biscuspid valves, sudden cardiac arrest, etc etc. Given how much time has already been spent discussing ASCVD, i believe the incremental ROI to discussing other cardiac issues (named above a few examples) would provide greater incremental benefits to many of your listeners (including myself which has a biscuspid aortic valve!). Thank you kindly for all the work you release and the thoughtfulness of your podcasts and book.


What's your thoughts. I've been using Konjac Extract for close to a decade. It's great for fasting and perhaps reducing LDL. Ferments into short chain fatty acids, gives me a great mental boost when I take with my black coffee in the AM.


Hi Peter, my total testosterone is relatively high, always > 600, a few times much higher. My SHGB is off the charts at >50, usually >60. Is there anything I can do to increase my free testosterone? I've been told to go on TRT and increase my total to a high number so the free T has to also increase. I am not sure what to do and can't find a doctor or anything online to help.

What numbers do you target for someone that is already 70?

What levels of lab results for someone 70 years old do you say "Keep up the good work" instead of working to improve it? Any point in beginning statins to get ApoB lower? What's a good GFR? ALT? Uric Acid? etc.

Apo B lipo(a) heredity factors for children

My husband's heart health is very similar to Peter Attia. Huge family history of heart attack. His brother passed at age 43. Numerous fatal heart attacks with uncles and his father. He is the same age as Peter, had calcium score tests that are similar to Peters at the same age. My son has slightly elevated apo b and triglycerides at the age of 15. You have said the sooner you take statins, the better outcome. How soon do we have him take statins if at all? Btw, my husband now takes the same statin drugs as you, and it's the lower it's ever been. We read your book, and we would never have known to ask these questions. Thank you for all you are doing.