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urolithin A

recommended for active 75 year old ? do you take it ?

BMD for "untrainable" areas

Hi, I just damaged one of my ribs doing BJJ and that made me wonder: is strenght training effective as a strategy to improve whole body bone mineral density, or does it just affect the specific bones that get under significant mechanical tension? If I deadlift I'll probably stress my leg bones, my shoulders, my arms and back. But how do I signal to my ribcage to get denser and more robust? Is it a systemic signal, or do you have to apply tension to the specific bone/tendon?

5th horseman

Hi, it would be extremely useful to get some info on what I regard as the fifth horseman: autoimmune disease. It feels like there's a big spike in autoimmune conditions, mostly among women. It would be useful to have a framework to think about understanding and managing such conditions. Thank you.

TBI Migraine treatments, supplements, or medications?

I am a retired 55 year old government worker, turned personal fitness coach, ultra runner and yoga teacher with a 6 year old TBI from a severe car accident that included a hematoma. I now suffer from migraines. I have a great chiropractor who adjusts my atlas frequently. After years of trying various prescription migraine medications, I currently take Nurtec ODC 75mg every other day, but when the headaches are bad, my neurologist said it is okay to take everyday, as well as Botox headache protocol injections and trigger point injections near occipitals and the neck every 10 weeks. If I go longer than 10 weeks, the headaches are constant but not so much I have to go in a dark room or throw up. My insurance will no longer cover the botox starting this January 2024. My functional NP has me on several supplements using Fullscript, main brands are Thorne, Life Extension and PURE, plus oxytocin troche's and peptid injections since we are working on my hormones. My Dutchtest results are improving thankfully as well as my sleep, whereas my cortisol levels where the highest she had ever seen in a person. The latest Rupa test displayed a metabolic imbalance, which we are throwing sauerkraut, Fibermend, Enteromend, and Ion Gut Support at in hopes of balancing. It's all connected. What suggestions might you have on treatments, supplements, or medications?

Exposure to germs

Is there an optimal amount of exposure to viruses? I imagine it might depend on the age of the individual. A child who grew up in a sterile bubble seems like they would be extremely vulnerable upon entering the world. But constant exposure is probably also bad? (Laffer curve for germs?) At the end of life Flu and colds seem to kill a lot of the elderly, so maybe it makes sense to back off over time? Also is the optimal exposure different for diseases that we do and don't have vaccines for? Anecdotally, my wife says that first year teachers are sick the whole year, but after that it isn't so bad.