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Benefits of Nattokinase supplementation for ASCVD risk

What is the strength of evidence that backs the assertion that nattokinase (derived from fermented soybeans aka natto) is a beneficial supplement for patients at risk of developing ASCVD? Specifically, does it destroy clots and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic lesions as purported?

JAMA is claiming screening is bogus - I'd love to hear your take on their methods/conclusions

This article in JAMA flies in the face of early detection. I've heard you promote colorectal screening for the seemingly obvious reason of finding adenomas early. How do you reconcile their conclusions with common sense of early detection? "Conclusions and Relevance The findings of this meta-analysis suggest that current evidence does not substantiate the claim that common cancer screening tests save lives by extending lifetime, except possibly for colorectal cancer screening with sigmoidoscopy." Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials

Eating The Same Foods Everyday -> Intolerance?

Is there a downside to eating the same exact foods every single day? I have been eating the same breakfast, lunch, and dinner for years. It is a varied diet mostly plant-based with occasional dairy. It includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins (from plant sources), and whole grains. Everything was mostly organic and whole foods with zero ultra-processed foods. I wound up developing eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). EoE appears to be due to an intolerance to some food group in which the first line lifestyle treatment is to try an elimination diet of the most common allergens - wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, tree nuts, fish. Since then, I have begun switching things up and trying to alternate what I eat to avoid constant exposure to any one food group. Do you have any insight into this - thanks!

Weight Loss Drugs

You've mentioned and explored the latest and greatest weight-loss drugs on your pod, but haven't mentioned the ones which have been prescribed for decades and are still used in medical weight-loss clinics today. What is your take on drugs like Phentermine, Phendimetrazine, Diethylpropion and Topiramate Enhancement? Does the upside of weight loss mitigate the downside of these drugs? For weight loss in not just the obese, but in the overweight? Thanks.


What is the best way to increase collagen for joint health?