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TRT and mTor

I'm a 49 year old male that has been on TRT for 4 years. Your recent podcast on Rapamycin and motor activity made me concerned about the anabolic effects of TRT. Does TRT prevent me from getting into a state where mTor is inhibited and and autophagy is possible? Would ultimately lead to faster aging?

Zone 2 : steady state or degressive state?

During a zone 2 workout, do you find yourself slowly ramping your pace DOWN over the course of the session? Or do you truly maintain the same pace throughout ? I ask this because I don’t—yet—use a lactate meter for identifying zone 2 and am still relying on RPE and heart rate. Example: when I do a treadmill zone 2 workout, at 15% incline, 5KMPH — for the first 30 minutes, my heart rate is perfectly steady. But inevitably, thereafter, my heart rate slowly increases and I have to ramp down to 4.5KMPH to maintain a steady heart rate. And then ramp down again to 4KMPH.


I just finished Outlive! Wow. Thank you for chapter 17. It’s so out of place, vulnerable, and human. What is your mental health looking like now? Thank you so much for writing this book—you really poured your soul into it.

Peptides for HGH and longevity (igf1)

Can you speak to consideratij s and physiology related to ghrh and ghrp targets and longevity. Namely, how do we make sense of elevated igf1 being neuroprotecfive, decrease atherosclerotic risk, decrease bp, and increase lean mass but also lower igf1 being associated with increased longevity. For one consideration GHRH and GHRP peptides in low to moderate doses to increased igf1 to high end of normal, what cautions or considerations should one take


I am considering taking LDN for autoimmunity. What are your thoughts on it's effectiveness? What's the downside of taking LDN?