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Bone health on a ketogenic diet

Ketogenic diet and bone health

Hi! I have been on a ketogenic diet for 5 years now. I am a 41 year old, type 1 diabetic woman (D for 23 years), osteoporosis diagnosis 8 years ago. Probably caused by my former constant hyperglycemias and ketoasidosis. Keto changed everything with my diabetes, on it, my blood sugar management is exceptional. I have taken bone drug alendronate (aminobisphosphonate) for 4,5 years. Before it, many foot fractures. Very healthy life style, plus vitamin K2, D and calcium. My keto is plant based, mediterranian style, I eat protein around 1,5 g/ kg per day, animal as well as plant (I`m a qualified nutritionist.) In my family everyone else has strong bones. I just got my DEXA scan results yesterday, my osteoporosis keeps getting worse, still. That was a big disappointment. So my question is: Does long term ketogenic affect the bone health? The ketosis part of it, so i got osteoporosis mainly because of ketoacidosis, and I know that nutritional ketosis is not ketoacidosis, but still, those acid compounds, they are the same. I have tried to figure this out for way over past 5 years. Am I doing bad for my bones? Also as a responsible nutritionist that gives instructions to other people, also to those on a ketogenic, i need to know. On a counter side i have to weight the benefits that on a healthy version of the ketogenic my type 1 diabetes management is so much better than it was when I was following the official guide lines. My blood ketone levels have been 0,5-max 3 mml. Sometimes below, never over. Kidneys ok. My lipids are great, also ABOb and LPa are low, no statins yet. No blood pressure any more etc, normal weight. Most of my metabolic health markers, almost all of them, have improved greatly.

Proton pump Inhibitor

I've had significant heartburn since my early 20s and while it has forced me to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and reduce Caffiene I've had to take various Proton Pump Inhibitors consistently into my late 30s. This drugs have been linked to increased risk of dementia in old age and their affect on B12 and amyloid protein. Can you speak to these studies? Ways to mitigate the effects? How is this affected if the patient has 2 variants of the ApoE E4 gene?

Truth behind “bioidentical” hormones?

Hello, I’m a 50 year old male and have been doing research on TRT as my numbers have dropped to the very bottom of “normal” range. One thing that keeps popping up in my research is the term “bioidentical hormones”. Is there any published scientific research confirming this is a better option or is it just hogwash? I can’t find anything to confirm on my end other than businesses trying to push their product.

HCG for male TRT

Hello, I’m a 50 year old male considering TRT. I know that younger males who want to retain fertility on TRT can chose to take HCG to be able to still have kids, but is HCG needed for males like myself who are not interested in having (any more) children? Is there a health benefit to keeping your gonadal tissue from atrophying which I read is what HCG can do? Does HCG improve sex drive for those who have been on TRT for many years?