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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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High Zone 1 vs Zone 2?

Do you have a sense of how less effective doing high Z1 is than Z2? I’m 66, have a resting HR of 50. I enjoy rucking but can only get my HR up to 100 or so, whereas I need to be 120 for Z2(according to my calculations). I’d much rather ruck than stay inside on an exercise bike Am I getting 80% of the benefits or 50% or less?

X39 Stem Cell Patch

Wanted to see if you have done any research on the X39 Stem Cell patches and if you think they really provide a benefit.

Musculoskeletal disorders and Supplements for aging

Can you please discuss musculoskeletal disorders such as scoliosis and the supplements, suggestions, and peptides etc that you recommend to help with the aging process going beyond the general vitamin D calcium magnesium recommendations. Thank you.

Three Ideas

A podcast/AMA on meditation; an episode with Stephen Phinney; an episode/AMA on caffeine. Bonus: books that changed Peter’s life. Thank you for inspiring me to live a better life.


What is the current research on the effects of the MTHFR gene mutations. What is the applicable difference between having heterozygous mutations vs homozygous mutations in the A1298c or c677t genes? It seems to be more complicated than just taking methyl folate and calling it a day.