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Urolithin a

Mitopure says Urolithin a is so good and important , in that case why is it so few people make it naturally ? And us others have to pay loads of money for it, is it worth it?

Effect of aggressive cholesterol lowering and longevity, dementia, all-cause mortality

I know that Peter is a big advocate for aggressive cholesterol lowering, including with statins and PSK9 inhibitors, to increase longevity and decrease al-cause mortality, but lately I stumble on more controversial publications and observations that goes against this assumption:,,, I am just wondering is there unique way to interpret these studies or do we need to stop looking at aggressive cholesterol treatment in primary prevention as a solution for extending HealthSpan and Lifespan.

Low Dose Colchicine for inflammatory processes including ASCVD, as well mechanisms of Met-Syn, T2D, HPTN, etc

Still waiting to here from AMA onthe role of low dose Colchicine in reducing risks of MACE in atherosclerosis/CVD (even when already optimized on statins, platelet therapies and BP control.) Also a roles in many other inflammatory processes such as reducing cytokine storm outcomes in COVID-19, severe osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Would like your summary of the LoDoCo2 Study: . Here is a summary of pharmacologic actions: .


Your thoughts about Ca- AKG? Is it useful for improving healthspan?

menopause and arthritis

I was on HRT for years, from perimenopause until about two years ago (I'm now 71). My long-time gynecologist had convinced me of some of the incorrect conclusions of the WHI and monitored me carefully. He left the practice during COVID and subsequently passed away. New gynecologist took me off HRT citing the WHI. Within about a year I started to experience arthritis symptoms (does run in my family). It doesn't seem that there's research on post-menopause and arthritis or health effects from HRT that is discontinued. What are your thoughts? I've asked current gyno whether a 71-year old can/should go back on HRT after a lengthy pause.