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Products with Red Clover for alleviating symptoms of perimenopause.

How does Red Clover help in relieving perimenopause symptoms? Is it actually increasing estrogen levels like HRT?

Suggestions for a young adult pharmacologically managing ApoB

24 yrs old. Healthy individual, V02 max at 60 ml/min/kg, ALMI at 10.1. I recently had my labs done and my ApoB was 74 mg/dL. I obviously want it lower. At 24 I am struggling to have this conversation with my PCP because one, he's not informed on ApoB, and two, he says I'm 24 and don't need to worry about anything. Is 24 too young to start pharmacologically lowering ApoB?

Have you observed changes in your patients blood sugar after taking or changing statins?

I started on rosovastatin 10mg about 1.5 years ago. twice since then my a1c came back as 5.7. unfortunately I had no a1c pre-statin, so have no baseline, but fasting glucose was always below 100 mg/dl (mid to high 90s). About 2 months ago, I started monitoring my blood sugar with a CGM, and found that between meals I always seemed to be around 100 mg/dl most of the time. rarely did I see numbers in the 80s or 90s unless I was exercising. About two months ago I asked to switch to pravastatin, as I read that i might have better affect on glucose. About a month ago I started noticing readings between meals getting into the 80's and lows 90's. I did start watching what I was eating, and lost about 8 pounds (5'10", down to 170), so maybe that is a factor as well, but curious if it's actually the statin.

Osteoporosis diagnosis

I am a 64 year old female, who at the age of 41 was through menopause, due to years of infertility / excessive pergonal doses etc. - donor egg - successful pregnancy - that said my OB/GYN - was concerned about my bone health then & HRT was off the table because of the breast cancer concern - had my first dexascan @ 43 - my results - osteopenia - went to a rheumatologist - who felt I should not be on any medication- every 2 years I had my dexa scans - worked out with a trainer 3 x a week through my mid 50's became a yoga instructor, healthy lifestyle - continue to be very active ( although I had a recent shoulder injury ( torn rotator cuff, torn labrum, & torn bicep ) working through it w PT & cortisone injection - my recent Dexa scan confirmed osteoporosis although they could not determine a FRAX score because it was borderline - have an appt with my internist this Thursday - I digress - my question- what are your thoughts regarding the medications associated with osteoporosis are they safe? Are there alternative options available to me ? Also, are there any tests that can determine what the extent of bone loss I actually have ? I'm so terribly saddened to be one of those women who fell into the category of being unable to have the benefit of HRT - thank you so very much -

Bioidentical hormones - why the reticence?

Hi, I live in Canada and the UK and neither state system will use bioidentical hormones. I’m a new - perimenopausal- subscriber and listening to you talk on this subject I understand you use them but haven’t found anything (yet) where you address the Bioidentical issue I would be interested to hear your thoughts Thanks for your time, you’re a great communicator