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Should we minimizing in ordinary life the things that raise blood pressure readings

Crossing ankles, dangling feet, lack of back support, etc., increase blood pressure readings. If I spend many hours doing those things during my typical day, and I unnecessarily making my hypertension worse? Is it worth reducing or even avoiding doing those things?

Is there a canonical set of supplement recommendations?

For the common issues, eg: high blood pressure, high apoB, ordinary life, etc., is there a standard set of recommended supplements

Lactate testing

What specific testing protocol is recommended to have your 5 different training zones as discribed by Inigo San Millan available, if you only have a lactate meter available (as other equipment and regular lab testing can be quite expensive).

Covid vaccine

Can you comment on the newest Covid vaccine pros and cons and who should get it. It is so politicized, it is difficult to get trustworthy information

Any real options for peripheral nerve damage

About 10 years ago I had surgery (foraminotomy) to remove bone spurs C5-C7. Unfortunately, by the time of the surgery, I already had damage to the nerve root. As a result, I have some weaknesses on my right side (triceps, upper pecs, finger extensors). I'm still quite functional and generally healthy, but I'd still be happy to get this strength back and rectify the imbalances. Are there any treatments that are both currently available and have a reasonable chance of helping out here? (Neuromodulation, stem cells, exosomes, etc.) Thanks