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APO B and LDL as necessary metabolic cornerstones

I am fascinated by your conversations about Lipoproteins, and despite listening and relistening to multiple podcasts about these molecules, I remain a little confused, so correct me if my impressions are wrong: it is critical that the body has access to cholesterol, steroid hormones and fatty acids/triglycerides for normal cellular function. The Lipo proteins act as a carrier of these molecules to remote sites. Other than the pathologic relationship of ApoB to vascular and cardiac issues, I am confused as to why your intentions with regards to these are to limit them so severely especially given their important role in transport to so many other tissues and especially their ability to cross the blood brain barrier and provide these nutrients to the brain and supporting structures... what am I missing?

Career direction to have real impact

Hi there! I am a 20+ year, somewhat dismayed, healthcare (non-clinical, but clinical-friendly) leader. I am making a job change. I have a deep and broad (and “successful”) background in healthcare provider and payer settings. I am memorized by your healthcare 3.0 thought leadership and I’m curious…. What area do you think will have the most impact in healthcare in the next 10 to 15 years? Artificial intelligence? Community based care? Telemedicine? I am a passionate, dedicated leader who gets work done quite well… I’m struggling with where there is real value to join in the effort. Every other company is “disrupting healthcare” and “changing the way healthcare is delivered.” But really, are they? Other than learning and applying this knowledge to my own health and that of my family, how can I make this actionable from a career standpoint? Where do you think there is most value? I realize this is a little outside the normal ask anything question but, you did say ask anything :-)

Regional differences in longevity

Not quite your bailiwick, but an interesting approach to looking at longevity. Wondering if you have any thoughts about this article in Politico: news/magazine/2023/09/01/america-life-expectancy-regions-00113369

Zone 2 & T2DM reversal? Any known studies?

Hello Doctor Attia and staff, Long-time listener first time caller. :) I'm presently working through an accelerated BSN program. I have a hypothesis, that I believe you have hinted at related to Zone 2 training for Mitochondrial development & insulin-resistance/pre-diabetes/T2DM. What if the physiology of "insulin resistance" is that the cells are at maximum capacity for glucose need due to too few mitochondria? Does your team know of anyone pursuing that as a line of research/experimentation? It would be a team that I may try to join upon completion of this program/career change. I would have sent this as an email, but I know how much Dr. Attia "LOVES" email :). Thank you for any answer. An email to my account or a reply on an AMA would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for the work that you all do disseminating knowledge and moving forward the average knowledge and understanding of healthcare and lay people.

electrical brain stimulation - how to take action

Regarding your excellent 'Improving memory with transcranial neuromodulation', can you tell us how and where this therapy is available? Thank you!