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Knee health/strengthening

When I stand up from a chair or go to try to do lunges squats, etc my knees hurt on either side of my knee cap. I am assuming this is from just from being too week around my knees. What is the best way to proceed?

Tinnitus treatment

What is the best way to treat tinnitus?

SSRIs and menopausal women with APOE4

Are all SSRIs better avoided by women with APOE4 who are seeking treatment for menopausal brain-related symptoms (brain fog, mood swings), not for depression? Or should only Paxil be avoided as it is a known anticholinergic? I have seen contradictory information about whether other SSRIs are anticholinergics.

HRT and stage 1 hypertension

What are your views on HRT for women who just entered menopause and have stage 1 hypertension (and no comorbid conditions), particularly while they try to reduce blood pressure with lifestyle?

Recommendations for unknown family medical history for adoptees

As an adoptee who doesn’t know my family medical history are there specific genetic tests I should request? What other recommendations do you have for patients when they don”t know their family medical history?