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Zone 2

I use a heart rate monitor to track my zone 2. I cannot find anything on your podcasts or book to suggest what the % I should be aiming for. Some other websites mention 60-70% while others say 70-80%. Are you able To advice which % you recommend please. I know you have mentioned RPE but how I feel and why my heart rate says differs greatly. Many thanks for your time and your response.

Latest On Autophagy

I haven't heard you discuss autophagy in a while. I've heard it mentioned as a beneficial side effect of exercise, fasting, extreme heat exposure, and extreme cold exposure. Do you believe autophagy plays a role in longevity?

Blood Turbulence

Does the turbulence of the blood flow in the arteries play a factor in eliminating plaque in the arteries? From a fluid dynamics perspective I'd assume the answer is yes, which would mean the more intense the physical training, the better. However, you've discussed extensively that Zone 2 training is the most effective training method to reduce ASCVD risk. Would you please explain the role of blood turbulence in plaque removal, if any.

Long Covid-where are we?

Many people are suffering with Long Covid. Yet some still psychologize this illness. There are no approved drugs yet to treat this. Please do a session on your latest thoughts on Long Covid. Grateful for your contributions to public health


Hi Peter, so a long history here. i am 62 years old. have had a history of a high PSA. have had a negative biopsy with a diagnosis of chronic prostitus. i have had two Tesla 3 magnet MRI's with contrast at UCLA about 3 years apart. prostate was enlarged but again just BPH. both 4k and PHI tests show low risk of cancer. my PSA peaked at 10.6 in 2022 and my Urologist suggested Propecia 5mg every day. its been very success in PSA reduction. i am now at 6 which while not ideal is much better. i have not had any real issues that i can see with Finasteride besides my significant other says i pay way less attention than before and i do sometimes find myself wondering what was i just doing at work. i am 62 so maybe its just part of being 62. I just watched your Men's Sexual health episode and was fascinated about what you and Dr. Khera were saying about NEVER prescribing Finasteride. my Question is should i switch to Cialis? have you seen the same amount of PSA reduction with it? thanks so much.