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Potential relationship between elevated oxLDL and low BMD?

54 year old, very active, healthy male. Overall, good blood work except for oxLDL = 1156 ng/ml. Other markers are normal - • CRP (.87) • Calcium 9.3 mg/dL • Vit D is 88.2 • 0 Calcium cardiac score • Testosterone not optimal - 532 ng/dL; Free 8.8 pg/mL; Estradiol <5.0 My question – have you seen any connection between elevated oxLDL and low BMD? Thanks.

BPC-157 Peptide

Hello, What is the hype on the synthetic peptide - BPC-157? It's touted for it's ability to help with recovery after surgery, ameliorating injuries, speeding up muscle recovery and even gut health. The research is clouded with unclear clinical trial results and I'm not able to find any recent trails. If this peptide holds promise please include a snippet and your thoughts on one of your episodes. Please Please.

Benefits of Indium?

I have been working with Functional Medicine Dr's over the years and have been following your work (and many other leading voices in the field) for nutrition, health, wellness/well-being, and longevit. ; I've recently come across "indium" ( as was recommended to take it as a super-supplement. I've read the primer manual from the pioneer (Joseph Marion) and it reads that this element does just about everything in the body that could be beneficial, including anti-cancer. It curiously sits as element #49 and "unifies and catalyzes the largest two mineral groups in the human body, correcting mineral deficiencies". Nutritional patents were granted between the 70's-90's and supplementation results are astounding. What I'm most perplexed by, however, is that there is very little discussion on this inexpensive/simple/G.R.A.S supplement by leading voices in the Functional Medicine/Longevity research field for what appears to be a simple supplement that has been around for decades, studied by leading researchers in Medicine and is nothing short of a wonder-drug - can you shed any light on this mineral and the value or risk it presents? Should one be taking this or are there risks to this supplement (indium sulfate) that are being missed? Thanks!

Rapamycin (sirolimus) raising HDL and Triglycerides

Hello, thanks for all you guys do. I have been taking a 5mg dose of Rapa weekly, taking 1mg ever other day for about 5 months. I recently did a re-test with inside tracker and my HDL and Triglycerides almost doubled. I was reading that this can happen with organ transplant rapamycin users, but was shocked to see this happening in me. In an episode with Dr Kaberlein you mentioned taking the whole dose in one day to reduce side effects. I’m wondering if my every other day dosing was the wrong move. I’m going to try the 5mg all in one go weekly and then do blood work again in about a month or 2. If these biomarkers remain elevated, should I consider a statin with metformin (or burberine)? Or am I becoming a lab rat and should refrain altogether?

Testosterone for women

Hi - could you please address what role, if any, testosterone can play in HRT for menopausal women? Thanks.