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Collagen Peptides

What’s the science on supplementation?

Higher watts doing zone 2 fasted in the morning

I noticed around 10 watts higher output on my stationary bike, when I do fasted zone 2 in the morning, compared to doing the same one hour workout in the afternoon. Is the any explainable reason for that?

Does Olfactory Training Improve Brain Function and Cognition?

Does Olfactory Training Improve Brain Function and Cognition? Thoughts on this study and similar studies -

Training / monitoring stability training for octogenarians

Hi Peter This summer, my wife and I have been listening to you narrate your book ‘Outlive’ on our daily walks. We have found it so instructive and convincing, that we purchased a print version of the book, and have been distributing PDF’s containing brief excerpts to encourage friends and family to buy or listen to the book. We ourselves are in reasonably good health for our age. We’re unfaithful vegetarians, but we do avoid all forms of fast food. I teach piano, nearly full-time, and my wife has a part-time job in a local French school. We’re both octogenarians (81 and 83), and for that reason we listen to you - wistfully - thinking that tho’ this is vital information for our children and grandchildren, we're too old to benefit. We have more or less missed the boat. But then, listening to the conclusion of the chapter on Stability Training, which highlights the experience of your friend Barry, we thought, by doing the stability exercises, maybe there is still time for us to derive some benefit this late in our lives. However, is it not the case that his transformation would never have been possible without the guidance and monitoring efforts of your colleague, Beth? Earlier in the book you cautioned your readers not to rely too heavily on personal trainers, and their like. Beth obviously is not your average trainer. But where are we to find her equivalent in the small city where we live? And even if there is such a person, the fees for any extensive program would likely be well beyond what we could afford. In our city there are organizations like a '55 plus' club, with Yoga instructors, places to play tennis or pickle ball, etc, etc.. The local Y has a pool, with aquafit instructors. Should we be satisfied with resources like these? Or should we attempt to replicate on our own the exercises that you describe in your book, and demonstrate in your videos?

Odd OGTT results using CGM

| Time (minutes) | Blood Sugar (mg/dL) | Blood Sugar (mmol/L) | |-----------------|---------------------|----------------------| | 0 | 70 | 3.9 | | 15 | 79 | 4.4 | | 30 | 144 | 8.0 | | 45 | 155 | 8.6 | | 60 | 155 | 8.6 | | 75 | 112 | 6.2 | | 90 | 61 | 3.4 | | 105 | 61 | 3.4 | | 120 | 59 | 3.3 | | 135 | 70 | 3.9 | CGM - Self administered OGTT results My family has diabetics on both sides so I want ed to check my glucose with a CGM. My average glucose is about 73mg/dl going as low as 63 in the night. I wanted to see if I had an insulin problem so I took 75g of fast acting glucose with 300 ml of water after 8 hours of fasting overnight. As you can see the peak is quiet high at 155 mg/dl and then crashes super hard to 61:59 before going back to baseline at 135 minutes later. I can’t find any information about this sort of reaction to an OGTT. What are possible implications I should discuss with my doctor? My diet is about 2700-2800 calories with 235p 80f and 240-270c depending on my activity levels. My h1ac is 5.4% but I over produce red blood cells and have to give blood often to reduce this so that might be throwing it off.