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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Could you explain the genetic mutation of PSEN-1 in its role on EOAD. Also, does current/past research on lifestyle (I.e. exercise,diet,hormetic protocols) have any affect in delaying/preventing PSEN-1 mutations? I’m 31 and recently tested positive for this mutation. My mother is positive her dad was positive and before him the lineage is lost. My grandfather was one of six, four of which passed to EOAD. My mother (one of six) is the only one currently who has tested positive and others show symptoms. I am one of five and am the only one who has tested this far. This disease has plagued my family, I do understand the facts behind this mutation, just looking for some additional information and am grateful for any info (good or bad) you can give. Thank you for your platform, has helped change the way my family lives given our genetic predisposition. Thank you

Dialectic of acceptance and defiance

In general, it's my interpretation that you prefer to be proactive and defy aging or your fate. But in limitless, there's a part of acceptance that is important. From my own therapy, I found that I wanted to control things, and I learned that there's a lot of value in acceptance. As Nietzsche embraces, amor fati. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this tension.

Anti Depressants and Alzheimer's Disease

For those of us with 2 ApoE4 genes, what is known about the impact of long term use of SSRIs/SNRIs and whether that increases or decreases our risk of developing Alzheimer's?


I was diagnosed with Open Angle, Normal Tension in 2004. I’ve been very blessed to still have 20/20 vision with little peripheral vision loss. Only recently has there been an eye drop for my type of glaucoma and I just started taking. I’ve had drain stents & SLT surgery. My last visit showed more optic nerve damage. I’m interested in trying some non-glaucoma FDA approved drugs. I’ve researched acrobose, metformin and rampamycin. There is little concrete evidence that any of these drugs will help. I’m measuring the risk/reward ratio. I’m a very healthy & fit 54 year old male. With no intervention I will probably be totally blind in under 5 to 10 years. I am a High Intensity Trainer too. Been in the HIT community since the 1980’s. I only used BFR(Blood Flow Restriction) on my clients or myself to help rehab from injuries & limitations. Since about 2010 I’ve used it to help hopefully produce more BDNF & VEG-F to possibly help slow the nerve damage to my optic nerves. Thoughts on this. Any suggestions if you were in my shoes?

Stimulants for ADHD

Peter has mentioned he would never prescribe a stimulant for dealing with ADHD to a patient - can he expand on his view on stimulants (Ritalin, Adderall, etc) and the risks of their long-term use?