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treatment strategies for breast cancer

This is a topic that is very different for each individual, but I would like to know a little more about whether HRT is more suitable than an estrogen-blocking drug post surgery, and if there is evidence to support this approach when the treatment regimen involves radiation +/- chemo- there

Estrogen blockers for breast cancer

It seems that this approach is not necessarily the best strategy - do you have any thoughts to share? Thanks!

A Podcast on Stent vs Bypass

Assuming we have no choice, but to go for surgery for > 80% LAD stenosis , what all options does the patient have 1. EECP - Is that viable? 2. Just stay on aggressive ARB + Statin , and wait till ER situation 3. Stent 3.a Which kind of Stent DES2 or Bio Absorbable Stent? 3.B Any new Stents coming up for adoption in next 5-10 years 4. Or Bypass is the best option in this case for mid LAD considering late thrombosis issues with stents

How Safe is long term consumption of statin for normal people

I understand the benefits of statin with regard to cardiovascular health. But is there anything we should worry about for long-term usage for regular people with normal blood pressure?

Hayfever and the immune response

Hi Peter, I hope you are well! I suffer, heavily, with Allergic Rhinitis and after a particularly bad day for pollen today I have checked in to my local urgent care centre and am now on a nebuliser. This has given me pause for thought on what you see as the main threads are in addressing this currently, what research you see coming through, and how this possibly links to other afflictions such as Psoriasis, Asthma, Eczema etc. Going slightly further afield, I wonder if you see any links to anxiety and/or depression from a genetic or autoimmune stance. Kind regards