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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Best sport or practice that encompasses all your pillars of exercise

Is there a sport or practice that best encompasses each (or multiple) of the pillars of exercise you cite in your book? I don’t find myself that consistent with a self-guided stability routine, for example, but having a sport or practice to get into (yoga, rock climbing, martial arts, etc) that I can do with friends and progress towards mastery - while also building up stability - is much more likely to stick. Thank you

Preparing my Centenarian Decathlon training plan

I’ve long been a fan of your work and devoured Outlive in three days. In it you mention a list of ideas “of physical tasks” that you present your patients as you craft an ideal training plan for each individual’s decathlon of events. Would you make that list available to members? I’d love some additional ideas to what is listed in your book. I’m trying to be thoughtful and creative and I’m afraid I might be missing something obvious.

Any studies on prenatal steroids (re maturing lungs of newborn)

Maybe they don’t use these anymore, but after receiving several doses of Celestone, my daughter born with healthy lungs and she was able to stand up at 2 months hold while holding my hands. As an adult, she competed in the equivalent of Miss Olympia in body building.and came 15th in the world. Wondering if any connection between these events. Thanks

Low carb intake correlates with insulin resistance -- Study published on PubMed

Hi Dr Attia - I searched to see if you'd already been asked about this study, but couldn't find it in the knowledgebase. So, could you share your thoughts on this study released last month?

LADA type 1.5 diabetes

What are Peter's thoughts on LADA Type 1.5 diabetes. What phenotype, if any, would make Peter suspicious that a patient has LADA and not Type 2 Diabetes? How would he test? Are there differences in what is seen with a CGM for a person who is pre-diabetes Type 2 vs pre-diabetes Type 1.5? Is there a difference in what is seen with an OGTT? Is there anything that an be done to slow the progression?