Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Bio Feedback for improving HRV

In the HRV AMA you mention that many clients have increased HRV by 50% through biofeedback, but provide no specific styles or tools. What are the biofeedback tools your clients are using or that you recommend to increase HRV AND/OR increase parasympathetic tone.

Health/fitness assessment

Are the age related fitness measurements for women listed anywhere on your website, or can you direct me to where I can find these?

Vegan diet

Hi Peter, I’m interested in your perspective on the vegan diet. My adult daughters are vegan so I have an increased interest in this diet. In episode 134, your guest James O’Keefe mentioned that most vegans are protein deficient, among other things. They insist that the protein in their diet is sufficient. And they do eat chick peas, black beans, etc often and say vegetables have protein too. They do supplement their diet with vitamin B12. What are your thoughts?

Morning Sauna Use OK for Cortisol Levels?

The most convenient time for me to use the sauna is first thing in the morning after waking. But my understanding is that sauna use will lower cortisol levels (as well as body temperature), and that first thing in the morning one experiences both elevated body temperature and elevated cortisol levels, and that these things are desirable. Is early morning sauna use OK, or should it be avoided?

Vitamin b12 and cancer

Is vitamin B12 safe to take given it’s correlation to cancer. Concerned about the vitamin B 12 included with athletic greens. Thank you