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Burning Question: How best to burn fat?

I listened to many of your podcast over the past week since joining, but haven't got a direct hit on how best to burn fat at 64 for a woman. I am a healthy and a "quasi" active 64 year old female. I say quasi because I have always been active in that I work out consistently, at least 5 days a week. I like to get my butt kicked, so I usually go hard be it in a 30 - 45 min Peloton cycle class or 45 min fully body strength training. I incorporate in stretching classes, and an occasional Barre, Pilates or Yoga class. If I don't sweat, I feel like I'm not working out (although I practiced Pilates 5 days a week for 5 years and felt great then!). I have been in a corporate, executive day job, so sitting on my fanny the rest of the day. I learned about you the process of evaluating how to drop my success addiction and focus on the 2nd 1/2 of life and your amazing podcast with Arthur Brooks on happiness. As I figure out my next chapter professionally, I'm committed to shrinking myself back to a good weight/size and losing some (a lot of) body fat. I am committed to dropping the social alcohol, unhealthy snacking, and eating lean protein based diet. What specific guidance can you add for nutrition and exercise to focus on burning fat? and, while I asked a separate question, how do you think hormones play into weigh gain?


My sister is in medical school in Canada and says the guidelines she was taught were to not exceed 8 eggs a week. What do you think of this? I know you have mentioned previously that dietary cholesterol has only a small impact on blood cholesterol. Is there something else in eggs that should make you want to limit your intake?

Gilbert’s Syndrome and Cholesterol Lowering Meds

Would you still recommend cholesterol lowering medication with someone who has Gilbert’s syndrome? Speaking personally, I had a heart catheter at 38 because of a mistaken reading of what turned out to be a hereditary elevated ST wave when presenting with chest pains (turned out to be pre-rash shingles pain). The only positive was they found absolutely zero cardiac concern and said my arteries were clean as a whistle. It seems the powerful antioxidant power of bilirubin is real, even though my total cholesterol has always been elevated.


have you ever done a podcast on flexibility/stretching, if its important to train and how best to train if it is and how often?

Fasting when trying to increase strength

How often should you fast and for how long? And if your greatest priority is building strength right now and need 45/30/45 grams of protein daily to meet that goal should you not fast until you have reached your minimum strength target?