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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Insulin resistance and ability to build muscle

I listened to the Insulin Resistance masterclass (and follow up AMA podcast). I understand that the challenge with insulin resistance is in the 'transport' of glucose into the muscles as glycogen. But I also know that building muscle is crucial to reversing insulin resistance. My question is this: does the problem of transporting glucose into the muscle as glycogen impact the ability to build muscle? If I take up anabolic training* am I likely to struggle to build muscle due to this roadblock in glucose disposal? (*in addition to zone 2 cardio)

LDL C, LDL P and Apo B

Over the past 3 years, my LDL Cholesterol has increased so my naturopath started looking at particle counts. Everything looks very good, except my LDL particle count is very high and my Apo B is 96. I’ve been a competitive, amateur athlete since my early 30’s and am still very active and, what I consider, pretty fit. Diet is pretty good as is my over health. However, these numbers are very disturbing. As I approach age 58, I’m quite anxious to get control of this but can’t figure out how to move the needle. I’m looking for your thoughts on how to lower these numbers. Could you direct me to a specific podcast on therapeutic approaches? I’m looking forward to your book release but really want to get started sooner. Thank you for all of the great work you do! You’ve enriched my life more than you could ever imagine.

Dr. Attia's self administered lactate testing protocol while cycling on a stationary trainer

Would Dr. Attia post his protocol for self lactate testing to find the zone 2 ceiling (~2mmol/L lactate) using a hand held lactate meter while cycling? Most importantly, how does Dr. Attia avoid lactate contamination by sweat. I use a Lactate Plus meter, a Wahoo Kickr and have created a custom workout in TrainerRoad with a 25 min warm up at 80 watts followed by 6 min intervals stepped by 20 watts. Sample acquisition will occur during the last minute of each interval. Advice on dos and don'ts would be appreciated. Clearly an organized and prepped work field is necessary. In the Drive episode with Inigo San-Millan (deep dive part 2) I think Dr. Attia mentioned having soapy water available for removing sweat. What detergent and concentration did he use?

Estrogen and HRT

I listened to your podcase on progesterone, but can't find one on estrogen, your thoughts on HRT (ie. pellet therapy) and it's impact on weight for a 64 year old woman.

Risk of Prion Diseases in Supplement Ingredients

Many supplement companies go un-regulated and it can be difficult to know exactly what is going into our food. Even the FDA is infallible and can change certain standards or rules without a ton of oversight by an attentive populace. How would you rate the risk of prion diseases making it into the supplement supply chain (especially for ingredients like bovine gelatin and animal organ meats)?