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Asthma in relation to VO2 max

Hi, I just recently began following your podcast and I absolutely love it. I’m a chiropractor in Dallas and love the incredibly detailed focus. So my question is for someone with asthma who seems to have it limit their VO2 max and training occasionally what would be your advice? Can you really “out train” asthma? Do you have to be on a steroid for the rest your life? Are there any supplements or approaches you’d recommend? Honestly even an episode with a focus on general lung health would be amazing.

APOB / LDL blood levels and Alzheimer’s

Are “elevated” APOB/LDL blood levels a marker for Alzheimer’s disease ? If so any general recommendations to reduce the risk ?

Insulin Resistance Impact on Glycogen Stores

Based on the premise that insulin resistance is fundamentally a problem with the mechanism of glucose conversion into glycogen, first in the muscle, do individuals with insulin resistance experience any issues with accessing glycogen stores during exercise or perhaps during fasting? Do these individuals store less glycogen? Do glycogen depleting activities have any acute or chronic impact on the mechanism that is driving the problem with glycogen storage in the first place? Understanding these downstream processes with the storage and usage of glycogen would help your audience better understand the nuances in Dr Schulman’s (excellent) podcast and may serve to validate his fundamental hypothesis of the cause of insulin resistance. Thank you for all that you do!

Statins for APOE4 carriers?

If one carries the APOE4 variant, is there evidence that it is beneficial/harmful to take a statin even when there is no evidence of CVD (CAC score, BP, CRP, homocysteine, etc)? Does a statin mechanistically improve cholesterol metabolism in the brain or does it improve vascular function in the periphery and the brain? If one is APOE4, do you recommend lipophilic or hydrophilic statins? Does your thinking about statins for brain health differ according to the patient's age?


Thoughts on nutrition for breastfeeding women? You’ve sold me on the benefits of intermittent fasting/calorie restriction, but I’m hesitant to potentially damage milk supply (I have triplets so need to make a lot). But that made me wonder, does lactation have any benefits for the mother that perhaps overlap with fasting/calorie restriction? Maybe that at least partially offsets eating a “worse” diet for a few years? Do you have thoughts on the science of this, or more broadly a framework for thinking about nutrition at this phase of life?