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Backcasting aerobic capacity (Zone 2)

What is your approach to backcasting aerobic capacity/efficiency? Something similar to the framework for backcasting anerobic performance (i.e. VO2max decreases X% per year, and we want to be elite at 90, therefore we should target X [ml/kg/min] now, and train toward this). I've listened to / read all content Zone 2 related, and I can't seem to find any metrics suggesting a reduction in lactate clearance with age or similar. p.s. Thank you for all that you and your team do. It's truly life changing.

Detecting when in Zone 2

I am trying to do regular workouts in Zone 2. The problem is that when I define Zone 2 as 60% - 70% of (what I roughly believe is ) my max HR, it is around 111 - 133 BPM. If I go by when I am at the point where I could hold a conversation- but just barely- it is in the 140 -150 BPM range. Which metric should I use?

What residency and medical training would you do now to best equip you for how you practice medicine now?

They're a similar question out there that many have upvoted. I think a dedicated AMA to people interested in a career like yours and hoping to practice medicine like you. We all agree that there are many paths to Rome and. But which residency and programs do you think are most optimal or most encapsulating at the current state of medical training in the US?

How are trigs and ApoB related to carb and SFA intake?

Could Peter shed some light on how triglyceride levels are related to carbohydrate intake and whether this has any bearing on ApoB levels/function. Also does Peter know by which mechanisms saturated fat (or other fats?) raise ApoB. I get that SFAs probably form the phospholipid outer shell how is this all related (if it is) to consuming fats and carbohydrates? Thanks and sorry, ApoB topic just doesn't go away. I can't find this anywhere, maybe is it because no-one knows really?

ApoE4 and Anti Depressants

I have ApoE4/4 and have been taking venlafaxine since 2008 and am curious as to whether there are protective benefits or issues given what we know about Alzheimer's Disease?