Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Key Biomarker Targets in Your Practice

Can you do a podcast outlining the benchmarks on key bio markers you use in your practice for routine blood tests, which metrics are critical for longevity and how to improve each metric?

Concussions / Contact Sports

Many listeners of your podcast may be parents deciding about whether or not to allow their children to play contact sports or may have played contact sports and are hoping to mitigate the long term effects of concussions. We now know that repetitive head injuries have a negative impact on brain health and longevity. Could you do a podcast outlining steps a person could take to improve brain health for those with this history? Any recommendations on supplements, bio markers, experimental treatments (ie hyperbaric oxygen), would be helpful!


I know this has been brought up in the past, but have you guys ever thought about doing CME credit for lectures? Maybe just for members as an extra incentive for subscription or anything like that?

Apigenin and it’s effects on sleep

There seems to be a bit of a paucity of literature on apigenin’s (the putative active ingredient in chamomile) effect on sleep. To your knowledge, does there exist good data to support its use in promoting deep NREM sleep?

Electrolytes during fasting

What electrolyte sources do you use during long fasts? I tend to drink a lot of water during fasts and that seems to help me tolerate them better, along with staying busy, but I start to get some muscle cramps after awhile if I don't have any electrolytes. Pedialyte is generally my favorite source of electrolytes but that obviously has some sugar in it which would break the fast so I was just wondering what you recommend. I feel like with the large amount of water I'm probably slightly hyponatremic if anything which may be leading to the muscle cramps, but somewhat unclear since I don't get levels checked but I do notice the muscle cramps pretty consistently with water only fasts