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What is the process for developing a Covid 19 vaccine?

Dear Peter, Without getting political, could you please tell me what the process is for developing a Covid vaccine? Are the trials meant to determine side effects or are they giving people the vaccine and exposing them to Covid19 to see if it works? The president has operation warp speed in place, which has speeded up the process. Which parts of the process can be accelerated? Is it just a matter of extra funding to have more companies researching simultaneously? Are you going to recommend the vaccine to your family and patients when it comes out? Thank you very much.

Measuring Protein intake with Barely Positive Nitrogen Balance

I watched the video “Reversed Engineered Approach to Human Longevity” and as usual, I think Peter is brilliant. Many of his ideas, I’ve implemented such as strength training, eating to your CGM, and several others. I’ve always wondered how to tell how much protein to eat given that I’m a women who is 67 years old. I know all the formula’s and that older people should have more but in the video Peter brought up measuring your protein intake and aiming toward a “Barely Positive Nitrogen Balance”. What is this and how do you measure it. I love Peter and send many of his posts to my doctor who is excellent - I sent this video.

Andrew Huberman

Can you please get Andrew Huberman on the show. Would love for you guys to have a chat about brain neuroplasicity and for us to be a fly on the wall.

Valter Longo on the Podcast

Hi, wondering if you plan to have Valter Longo on the podcast sometime soon? Curious to hear about his research with FMD and his opinion on it vs water only fasts as well as ongoing research he is performing.

How can I lower my LPa. which is 90 ?

How can I lower my LPa. which is 90 ?