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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Is there a preferred range for A1C result over 60 y.o.?

I am a 63 year old male, type 2 diabetic and have been on a ketogenic diet fir two years. My A1C moved from a 7.0 when I started to a low of 5.7. My PCP has suggested I am at a higher risk of heart attack being over 60 going that low. Further he suggested statistically I should be at an A1C of 6.2 as optimal. Is there a model range for over 60 type 2?

When do you anticipate the doctor directory will become available?

Long time subscriber, first time AMAer. :) For those of us who don't own Learjets, and can't pop into Austin or Prague, your doctor directory is much anticipated! It'd be great to find a doctor who's read an article or two since med school - most seem overwhelmed by their patient volume and/or intellectually burned out. I've been doctor shopping (not for Oxy, though) :) using the typical comparison tools: Vitals, RateMDs, HealthGrades, etc. and it's difficult to find someone who's literate on longevity, wellness and local, or at least doing telemedicine. Thanks for your intellectual rigor; you're a beast and it's not unnoticed! Russ

Environmental contaminants and longevity - your thoughts on topic and your advice to patients

Hi, you recently wrote a newsletter about PFAS, which can impact cholesterol, reduce fertility, reduce immune responses, etc. Other environmental contaminants like lead, flame retardants, phthalates, parabens, plastcizers, pesticides, etc can impact hormone systems, and have been linked to cancer among other things. You have discussed recommending patients avoid contact with hot food and drink and plastics (e.g. coffee cup lids), and are reducing your consumption of Topo Chico water due to PFAS concentrations. What other changes are you making to reduce body burden of these substances in you, your patients, kids and family, some of which are never eliminated from our bodies?

Which exercises are most central to longevity and winning the centennial olympics?

Peter, I have been a long time listener, follower and lately subscriber. Thanks for your magnificent work. I have shared your podcasts a lot and through that probably created quite some following in Germany! I am an 31 year old amateur triathlete and entrepreneur from Germany. I have had knee problems for the last 18 months that do not root in any kind of injury or trauma, several MRTs showed everything is fine. It must be something related to how I move my legs and how much stability I have. Anything helpful would be greatly appreciated. To my question: Which exercises are most central to longevity and winning the centennial olympics? Can you reduce the list to an absolute minimum of the most essential exercises? What is your actual training routine? Which exercises are more central for younger people which are more central for 50, 60, 70 year olds? Thanks. Best, Marc

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Just wanted to say thank you the conversations on Cognitive Dissonance. It was extraordinarily thought provoking especially in the current atmosphere. Thank you!