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Typical Insurance converage

I have found that many of the lab tests and drugs that are mentioned on the podcasts are typically not covered by insurance. For example, my insurance does not cover LDL-P. It covers Apo-B but only if you have heart disease. When you talk about testing and drugs, it would be nice to also give advise on alternatives for the average patient who is subject to commercial health insurance or medicare limitations and does not have alot of money to spend on tests/drugs out of pocket.


Listening to Breath by james Nestor. I find some of the ideas very interesting such as mouth taping during sleep. Any thoughts on this topic?

Fasting Frequency

I am currently fasting between 48-96 hours on a weekly basis. Have i reached the point of diminishing returns? Is this unhealthy?

Vegan Protein

I am a vegan endurance athlete. The question of how much protein I should consume is one to which there does not seem to be a good answer, the range I have seen is anything from 0.8 to 2.2 grams per kilo. But there is another question that I am concerned with. Is vegan protein interchangeable with animal protein? I have been told it is not, it is absorbed less well, especially by someone my age (58). Given that I am committed to the vegan lifestyle, is there something I can do to supplement vegan protein, if it is not interchangeable with animal protein?

Hi Peter, what is your recommendation for the best home scale?

Are body fat percentage scales accurate? Some scales say they need to be recalibrated every time they are moved, which seems impractical in a bathroom, which is constantly cleaned. Will they still be accurate without recalibrating? Thank you.