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zone 2 training, thoughts on which exercise

I've considered stationary bike, rowing machine, walk/run treadmill or outside (maybe even barefoot.) Any advantage to the "whole body" aspect of rowing vs the leg predominant other choices? I also assume you'll be covering heuristics short of full on lactate measurements, I'm 66, MD PhD, interested in longevity/vigor/healthspan and not particularly in competing.

Barefoot Shoes & Lifting

I would love to hear your thoughts on wearing barefoot shoes during heavy lifts. Do you think there's a squat/deadlift weight (1x Body Weight? 2x? 3x?) where you should begin wearing a shoe that has metatarsal support? Is a raised heel just cheating, or are there times (front squat?) where its biomechanically appropriate?

Olive oil

We often hear how healthy olive oil is though I’ve encountered a number of reports that say it’s no better than any other fat source at protecting the heart and preventing damage to the endothelial lining. Curious about your take on olive oil.

Treatment of asymptomatic hyperuricemia

As of 2020 the American College of Rheumatology recommends against the treatment of asymptomatic hyperuricemia, as does a recent systematic review published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine. What does Peter know that these reviewers don't regarding the risk/benefit analysis of using allopurinol for this condition?

Dreem 2 Sleep Tracker

What is Attia's impression on the Dreem 2 sleep tracker?