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Ccr5 Deletion Impact on Heart Disease and Alzheimer's

Hi! I recently read this article about mice having less plaque formation when they knocked out Ccr5. There are also conflicting opinions on whether Ccr5 is beneficial or harmful in the progression of Alzheimer's disease. I've heard many places that what affects the heart, affects the brain. Do you think there is a possible treatment potential for Alzheimer's and heart disease with drugs such as Maraviroc? I'm homozygotes for Delta32, and also Apoe 3/4 so any information on how you think these two would interact would be great. Thanks for your time! Love your AMA! Article links for anyone reading this who might be interested:

Changing your body weight set point.

Can you discuss various fasting strategies and how they relate to changing the body weight set point? I know it will depend greatly on where your starting point is and what your relative level of insulin and leptin resistance is, etc, but in general how long does it take for the change to occur and at what rate does it move?

What are your thoughts on Gene Therapy drugs?

Drugs like Kymriah. Curious what they do medically. Also, why are they so expensive? Do you see this cost coming down eventually? Lastly, what are some interesting developments in the horizon for this field? Will we someday solve all our health problems, by editing certain genes? I'm half-joking with the last question...


Hi Peter, a girl that I love does cocaine recreationally when she goes out with some friends. She does it 1-2x a month. She says it's not a big deal and that cocaine is like caffeine. Seriously, how much harm is it to do a little cocaine once in awhile?

Fiber and absoprtion

In your podcast with Robert Lustig, he stated that fiber forms a barrier that helps block calorie/nutrient absorption. Does this mean it is more healthy to eat an almond chocolate bar (ie. Kind bar) vs the same amount of almonds, then the same amount of chocolate later in the day? Is it better to eat alot of fiber right before consuming alot of sugar? (ie high fiber dinner right before dessert). Is there a table or reference database of foods and nutrients that are ABSORBED?