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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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"Good" vs "Bad" cholesterol

I agree with Peter when he says that the terms "Good" and "Bad" cholesterol are bad names because HDL cholesterol is not necessarily good and LDL cholesterol is not necessarily bad. But it bugs me when he gets caught up in the semantics of it and says that all cholesterol is the same because cholesterol is just a molecule. Just the other day, I heard him talking about the "types of alcohol". I could be pedantic and say that this is a bad name because alcoholic beverages are all just ethanol, so it makes no sense in this context to say "types of alcohol". By virtue of being in different types of alcoholic beverages, we can have different types of alcohol and by virtue of being inside different types of lipoproteins, we can have different types of cholesterol.

Protein in the diet

What brands of Whey protein do you use/recommend?

Essential Blood Tests

There seems to be an overwhelming amount of cardiovascular and lipid tests types available. Outside of typical blood work, what would you consider to be the essential markers to include and monitor through blood work for someone focused specifically on cardiovascular health and atherosclerosis prevention?


Does Peter know who the DRI Mg for some lifecycle groups is over 400mg (men), but the UL for all adults is 350mg? That has always bugged me. Peter has commented that we don't need to be concerned with mg toxicity, but if that is the case why is the UL set so low?

TBI and concussion therapy with intranasal insulin bypassing the BBB

I recently came across a discussion with Dr. John Hughes of TBI Therapy and he discussed the use of intranasal insulin (along with other neuropeptides such as vasopressin) to assist and stimulate the healing processes in the brain. I believe he also uses hyperbaric O2 chamber sessions, which I’ve heard you discuss before, but I’m particularly interested in the intranasal insulin and how it bypasses the BBB by traveling up the olfactory and trigeminal neural pathways. Could these pathways be used for other therapeutic agents which have historically been blocked by the BBB?