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Hello, I am a 56yo male who has been on TRT for approx. 14 months. I started because of the usual indicators of low T, even though my T was approx. in the low 300's. i.e. not off the charts low. My T level now is 1117 (for my bloodwork the range is 300-1100, so I am high). And I take one 'click' twice a day or approx. 100ml / day. However, my Hematocrit level is now 56 and has been 55 and 57 in the past year ( I get bloodwork done 3-4 times/year). I have been wondering, for the obvious reason, if having a Hematocrit value over 50 can lead to stroke? I feel great on the TRT and have had so many improvements in my lean muscle mass, energy, really everything. But, I don't want to sacrifice my overall health. Thanks for your time and consideration on this question.

CGM readings and Vitamin C

I just realized (and also confirmed it with Freestyle) that taking 500mg of vitamin C per day will change the CGM reading, increasing glucose reading and making it invalid. I think most people take vitamin C (I take 2,000 mg).... does that make the CGM useless? Any alternative?

Plant defense compounds in an environment of autoimmunity

Hi there, Q: Is there any substantiative information/guidance around the idea that plant defense compounds could irritate an already hypersensitive autoimmunity dysfunction? Meaning, could elimination of the broad band of phytocompounds be an intervention for healing or management? Background: I'm a father of a kid who has moderate to severe allergic reactions to food. While common triggers have been identified, I'm hoping to find a way to mitigate any antagonizing of his immune system. It's hairy to figure out if this is a viable path to investigate since plants seem to have this dichotomy nourish vs self protection.

Creatine supplementation for increasing muscle mass

Quote: Scientists have studied creatine and exercise performance since the early ‘90s. A recent review of 35 studies found that creatine supplementation, combined with resistance training, increased lean body mass — the body’s weight, minus fat — by more than two pounds in adults, regardless of age. The difference is small, but significant, although men reported higher gains than women. Do you agree? Any age????

Achilles Tendon Torn - Forced Immobility - Tips for Managing

Just tore my Achilles Tendon. Seems like I'll have forced immobility for awhile. What are the best tips to manage this state for things like weight, diet, preserving muscle mass, and any exercise possible? Assuming tips would be something like, up protein in diet and maybe try to do more hamstring and quad exercises on the affected leg and then single leg squats and upper body for rest? Any tips/tactics on exercise, diet, lifestyle, whatever else would be much appreciated!!