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athletic Greens spirilina

Dear Peter -I have heard Dr Rhonda Patrick discuss athletic Greens and in so many words say she would NOT take them due to the spirilina content . I have just tried to research what she mentioned specifically as being toxic but I do specifically remember her warning of caution . ( this is not meant in nay way to reflect badly on DRP ).

Gaining muscle over 50

I loved the interview with Holly on building muscle ( more like this please ! ) - which I believe to be a key component in longevity and functionality. What evidence is there on being able to continue ton change body composition in a trained person over the age of 50 ? Along with mobility and stretching what are key take ways - exercises ? Personally at age of 47 I do Dan Johns protocol : push- pull-hinge-squat-loaded carry l and love to practice Olympic Weight Training 2 times a week. I came from an endurance sports background but now appreciate the need to focus on strength training which I love.

Reducing Risk for Heart Attack Survivors

Thankfully, I survived a heart attack at age 60. I'm now slightly more than a year out from that event and have four (4) stents. Like most people, I started far too late focusing on my heart health. But, given my situation, what are the top, specific things I can focus on to reduce my risk of a subsequent heart attack? Are they different or more specific than someone who has not had a MI? I had no symptoms prior to the attack and non now. I am (now) in good shape with all standard "numbers" well under control. I'm already eating according to AHA guidelines, exercising, taking Metoprolol (50mg extended release), Atorvastatin (80mg) and baby asprin daily.

Avascular Necrosis

Can anabolic steroid use, mainly testosterone at 125mg/week over long term use, cause AVN?

Specifc guidance and practices for older cohorts?

I’d like to ask if you have any age-specific guidance on maximizing health and longevity for those of us listeners in our later decades, perhaps coming late to the game, who see the age-75 cliff either fast approaching or indeed rapidly disappearing in the rear-view mirror. Do you frame your guidance to your older patients differently, all other things being equal? Thanks much!