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Zone 2 vs HIIT and Impact

Been listening to everything you cover on Zone training, specifically Zone 2 for mitochondrial health etc. I use indoor Peloton 75% of my exercises for convenience (ave 5 hours week total exercise). My FTP is historically between 340 and 440 by their 20 min test (discounted). VO2 Max 53. I recognize that this is not an apples to apples comparison to an FTP on the road. Q1: I find Zone 2 (171-232 watts) boring and don't feel I get enough exercise if I spend so much time in Zone 2. Do I simply need more hours of exercise to justify the higher zones or is Peleton possibly wrong, eg estimating my lower zones too low? Q2: The best Peloton Zone coaches tend to push time in Zone 6, eg 3 min on, 3 off and other training I'd call HIIT. Are the Zone 2 discussions you have inconsistent w all the benefits of HIIT (shorter training w higher intensity)? I sometimes find myself w exercise induced hypoglycemia when I feel I am overtraining. Are potential solutions to this more Zone 2, dietary changes or less training (to me 5 hours a week is not enough but as much time as I have)? Thanks! Love the show!

Patients on PCSK9 Inhibitors. What are Lipidologists dealing with extremely low LDL-C?

My question is about guidance concerning consensus thoughts of Lipidologists regarding extremely low LDL-C on Repatha 140, Rosuva 10, and Zetia 10. I'm not asking for advice. I would just like to hear you talk about this and I am curious what Lipidologists are telling their fellows and students to do with treated patients with extremely low LDL-C. Is it prudent to go no lower than 10-15 mg/dl of LDL-C based upon short term followup studies thusfar. Thanks

Labile Hypertension, Fructose Kinase and "Skinny" fat

Family history of hypertension and father had MI at age 36. Didn't kill him though. By today's standards he did most everything wrong. Smoke since age 16, quit after MI but continued eating steak and trans fat fried chicken, cookies, cake, etc. Same stuff my mother gave all of us and also Coca Cola and ice cream. Nobody was fat though and nobody was diabetic. Fast forward to me, 2003, age 56, dbl cbg, then age 73, saphenous graft obstructed, got stent, decided to eat Esselstyn's diet. Went to plant based pcp who said no, eat nuts, eat Furhman's diet. Never obese, A1C 5.1, fasting glucose 100-81 depending, ride a bicycle. Found you from best bicycle exercise video. Still have labile hypertension. Don't know what to eat. Don't know best exercise. Some have said I am "skinny fat". Don't know about meds or supplements. Need advice. Hoping you are knowledgable enough to provide credible advice.

Centenarian Epigenetic Clock Research

Does this research from 2022 increase the likelihood that supplements to slow epigenetic ageing have value?

Calorie Restriction for Longevity: Eating Less or Moving More

Hi Peter. Thank you very much for a very interesting podcast, I’m always excited for a fresh episode :) The topic of calorie restriction seem to be everywhere these days to prolonging lifespan/health span (I.e. Lifespan and David Sinclair). One of the common strategies that people use is fasting in different shapes or forms. A little bit of background about myself, I struggled with extra weight for most of my life and tried different tactics, once COVID had started I discovered triathlon and I really got into endurance sports (a few half-Ironmans done already). With triathlon it’s easy for me not to overthink about calorie restriction as I would run/cycle for hours on the weekend and occasional cake is not a problem. I tried to combine IF and endurance sports, but I felt very low energy most of the time so I stopped that. However being in my mid-thirties health span seems like an important consideration as well. So my question is: can you achieve calorie restriction state not by eating less, but by moving more, is it the same thing? Are there any studies/strategies on the best way to do it? P.s. There was a similar question in AMA#32 about muscle gain and fasting, and your answer was muscle gain is more important. But here I wonder not one versus the other, but rather is it possible to achieve the same goal in a different way.