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Wahoo Fitness Member Discount?

Is there any chance for a member discount for Wahoo fitness in the future?

Fish Oil Brand Recommendation

I've been taking Fish Oil /omega 3 capsule supplements for the past year now that I purchased from Cosco (Kirkland brand). I heard a different (purer oil) manufacturer/brand was recommended during one of Peter's podcasts. I don't recall that specific podcast that referenced the recommended brand and I would appreciate your input. A second part of the questions: Can you post the list of supplements (and manufacturers/brand) that Dr. Peter Attia takes regularly.?

General anesthesia and long term brain changes

I am 64 and considering an elective surgery requiring general anesthesia. I’ve read and heard that there can be brain changes in older age with g. anesthesia? What does the science tell us about effects on the brain, temporary or permanent, age related. I grapple with taking a chance when it is an elective cosmetic surgery. Thanks and love your podcasts, even when I glaze over with the biochemistry.

Cancer care and limited medical literacy

I am a gynecologic oncologist who has loved listening to your podcast and recently binged the episodes with Vinay Prasad and Azra Raza. The concepts you discussed really resonated with me and I couldn't agree more. As a treating oncologist who struggles everyday when treating patients with incurable cancers with the concept that while I can give a very expensive but marginally beneficial and potentially harmful therapy, maybe I shouldn't. I have found these concepts incredibly difficult to explain with patients, most of whom have limited medical literacy and ability to understand the nuances of these conversations is limited and whom want "everything"done at all times. Would love your thoughts on how to disseminate these ideas to the general public as without some understanding of this on a general level, even the most balanced and thoughtful physician has a difficult time not overtreating almost every patient with an advanced cancer.

Are there any effective OTC fructokinase inhibitors?

Your Robert Lustig and Richard Johnson podcasts really opened my eyes on fructose. Are there any effective OTC fructokinase inhibitors that people can take today to help block the pathway? I love Coke and HFCS is kinda hard to dodge in many foods regardless. The following paper seems to suggest that luteolin was effective in mice: More generally, I would love to hear an update from either of these gentlemen on the podcast about their own research into inhibitors.