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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Hi Peter! I am curious about whether it would be possible to experience peripheral neuropathy in non-diabetics through the mechanism of insulin resistance over a long period of time. For example, my grandfather is not considered diabetic, though without seeing his lipid panel I would guess he has metabolic syndrome based on how he eats (and looks).

Menopause, hormones PCOS metabolism and fat loss

I would love your take on the subset of patients that fall in this area re:Sleep, Difficulty in fat loss (which you spoke about but did not address for these patients), changes in metabolism, insulin resistance etc in conditions like menopause and PCOS.

Skinny Fat

Just listened to #157 - AMA #22: Losing fat and gaining fat: the lessons of fat flux and do all the same principles apply to the "skinny fat" person?

Tests for Blood Quality?

Hi, Peter. I've been following you via your blog and now your podcast since 2017. Many times, I have heard you refer to your 'shite blood' and your beta thalassemia condition as a primary culprit of your distorted A1c. I have been following a low-carb/ketogenic diet with regular TRF and quarterly 72-hour fasts for the past four years as has my husband. His A1c now tests 4.9 and mine is always between 5.6 and 5.8. I regularly test my blood glucose using a glucometer and rarely see fasting or even post-prandial values over 90 on normal days or post-prandial over 115 after once- or twice-per week dessert. I have had a CBC panel performed and my MCV is 90. I'm sure your first recommendation is to get a CGM to compare against my crappy HbA1c, but I'm wondering if you have recommendations about the other values on the CBC that might indicate other blood problems. My scores are within the interval range but I have certainly learned from you (and others in functional health) that the interval range is not the optimal health range. Lastly, is there a test for the life-span of the RBC/enterocyte that is readily available? My lifestyle and other lab results/health indicators are excellent and so, at this point, I'm looking for an explanation for the disparity between serum glucose and A1c that might be related to an abnormal blood condition and, if that is the case, I want to be proactive if necessary in heading off any long-term health consequences of having my own version of 'shite for blood.' Any further insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated. And thank you so much for doing what you do.

Why check rt3?

I love your podcast! Your shared insights on discordant apoB and ldl cholesterol levels in the setting of hypertriglyceridemia has changed my primary care practice. But, I still don’t understand your approach to thyroid management after hearing your AMA on this topic. Why check rT3? What insights does this provide that can’t be picked up on history and thorough assessment of other metabolic and inflammatory conditions (ie NAFLD, DM, etc)? I haven’t seen this test supported in any of the major endocrine guidelines.