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Where is the low hanging fruit for time management?

I'm struggling with the math on how you are able to sleep the amount you sleep, exercise the amount you exercise, meditate regularly, spend time with family, run a medical practice, and engage in multiple high level hobbies that you pursue with intensity. I'm a neurosurgeon in private practice. I've gotten my sleep under control and typically spend about 8 hours in bed with 7 hours of sleep per night. I manage to meditate 5-10 minutes most days, but would prefer to meditate more. I can only find time to exercise one hour a day three times a week and that is all strength training. My medical practice takes up about 55-60 hours a week; 70 hours a week when I'm on call. Add in 2 hours a week shopping for food and one hour a day preparing meals and cleaning up, and 45 minutes a day eating. My wife and I get our family time in over the meal related activities. Pretty soon we've run out of time and I've not yet hit one golf ball or done any Zone 2 cardio. I can't imagine this is unique. You've clearly dealt with this personally and I imagine you've addressed this for a lot of your patients. Where, in your experience, am I most likely to find the low hanging fruit?

how to achieve a 3-day fast for type-1 diabetics

hi dr. attia, thanks for all your amazing work. would you be able to cover fasting protocols (specifically 3-day) aimed for type-1 diabetic audiences? ive found that most of what you've covered applies to type-1 diabetics; however, i personally have not been able to achieve the full 3 days due to mild hypoglycemia. any guidance or insight about how to titrate insulin, exercise, etc. would be very helpful.

Nutritional Ketosis, Saturated fat metabolism, and Lipid Profile

Some folks seem to have a rather elevated Apo-B or concerning lipid profile regarding intake of saturated fat in nutritional ketosis (leading to reduction of intake and replacement with more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats), whereas others tend to handle this type of fat well... What do we know about saturated fat metabolism is this population, and can we deduce a reasonable risk profile based on lipid measurements (Apo-B) as it pertains to nutritional ketosis?

Foot Neuropathy

Hi Dr. Attia, First and foremost, thank you for your podcast, it has helped me gain the resolve to change my life style choices to a healthier my active life. I'm a modestly active not overweight 56-year-old (5'11/160 -165 pounds), but I haven't been great to my body over the years both food choices as well as my consumption of alcohol. I now have painful and cold feet and I'm wondering if there are any recommendations of a path of treatment, what type of tests should I consider to get an understanding of the damage I have done? I've stopped drinking alcohol and I'm now (week one) on a low carb, no sugar diet. Is there anything else I should be doing to hopefully become healthier than I am today? Thank you in advance for any advice.

Probiotics/gut health

Is there any data that supports probiotics and gut health. Are probiotics one of the supplements that are not backed by data? Does the data support them and what should I be looking at when purchasing a probiotic if they are beneficial?