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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Food sensitivity test

What food sensitivity test do you recommend? i.e. Everylywell I stubbornly think I can eat anything but I’m completely ignorant to my gut’s preferences. I consume primarily “clean” whole foods but I’m curious my actual gut response to dairy, gluten, nuts, etc. I just signed up for OTC CGM and will see glucose response to certain foods but no clue what foods to actually avoid or what my personal gut’s preferred food sources are.

Type 1

Hi Peter, love the show, fellow Canadian. I am a veteran with Type 1, try to stay fit, but got Type 1 after losing my site overseas in a bit of a dust-up, something got in my system I guess and my immune system went nuts. I was looking for someone who could coach me doing some fasting and keto as a Type One, my endo knows nothing about this stuff, but it is hard to manage my sugars with the basals and thought you might know someone who could help.

Why doesn't oxidation of fat necessarily mean you're losing total body fat?

Allotment of time for various exercise modalities

I’ve 12 - 16 hours a week I can dedicate to “exercise”. How would you recommend allocation of the double up days between Zone 2 (3-4 days a week for 60 mins), Zone 5, resistance training, mobility work. Is it best to match a Higher intensity Zone 5 day with mobility? And Zone 2 day with resistance? What would the ideal week/month allocation look like?

How does fat enter and exit a fat cell?