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Biofeedback: Whoop Band vs. Oura Ring

I'm interested in the power of biofeedback to improve healthcare outcomes without requiring a prescription or a surgical intervention. Realize you are an investor in Oura. However, could you please consider giving some feedback on pros/cons of Whoop band vs. Oura. Thank you,

Zone 2/Insulin Sensitivity

1. What is the effect of zone 2 on ghrelin/leptin? 2. How long do you think it would take for an individual with insulin resistance to become insulin sensitive (meaning able to pass a glucose tolerance test) using fasting and zone 2 training (assuming both are used at the recommend dose)? 3. In regards to insulin - do you think it can behave in a “if you don’t use it you lose it” way? E.g. people who have eaten carnivore for a decade or more, do you think they would pass a glucose tolerance test?

New study

Peter, I am curious about your opinions on this new study. APR 6, 2021 | GENERAL MEDICINECARDIOLOGY Excessive Exercise Training Impairs Mitochondrial Function Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, reviewing Flockhart M et al. Cell Metab 2021 Mar 18 Over-training can lead to glucose dysregulation.

Fish oil supplementation

What fish oil brands has your medical practice sent for lab analysis and which ones are the best performers?

Kid/Teen exercise

What do you recommend for kid/teen exercise regiment?