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Exercise Type Timing

How long should one wait between weight training and aerobic training (zone 2) to maximize the benefits of both sessions? From my understanding, mTOR is the pathway for skeletal muscle hypertrophy but aerobic training activates PGC1 alpha which shuts down mTOR through a couple steps. In essence, what should a daily/weekly schedule look like for weight training and zone 2 training if the goal is to be able to increase muscle mass/strength and improve mitochondrial efficiency to the greatest degree?

Latest on CGM’s

What’s the latest on GGM’s? I plan to try one for a few months and want an accurate device. The last info I find on the site is about 1.5 years old and stated the dexcom is the way to go despite calibration hassles. Has anything changed?

Benefits of Vitamin C supplementation

I was surprised to hear Peter suggest that Vitamin C supplementation may not worthwhile. I offer these articles by way of rebuttal - hoping for clarification. and

Testosterone downregulation during fasting: is supplementation in order?

Peter cogently explained how the rapid decline in estradiol levels during perimenopause and menopause is akin to women "falling off a cliff" as far as youthspan & healthspan are concerned. Could one not argue that the gradual decline in Bioavailable Testosterone levels associated with age could be compared to men tumbling down a hill - as opposed to falling off a cliff? Follow up - is the transient decline in testosterone levels during fasting (or Fast mimicking diets) a cause for concern? I would greatly appreciate more detailed musings on Peter's thoughts for Testosterone supplementation, especially in light of how testosterone deficiency (associated with sirtuin downregulation) may accelerate neuronal and vascular aging in mice

How to embrace part of Keto (low carb) diet to avoid losing muscle mass and mix in with Intermittent Fasting

White male, 51 years old, 180lbs, 5'11'', 25 BMI. I'm trying to find a longevity hybrid eating model that includes 16/8 Intermittent Fasting, Organic Eating, and work in some KETO. My problem with straight KETO before is I have seen muscle loss. I liked the test strip mechanism of Keto -- is there a way to use that same method on partial KETO and have a different Ketones goal? Do you think some form of 'partial KETO' makes sense and best way to implement? Have you ever thought that the timing of staged eating in IF (like just eating vegetables in start of feeding window), or saving carbs until the end -- is there any benefit to spreading out types of macronutrients in the IF feeding window?