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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Advice to your 30 year old self

You've got a time machine. You can go back to your 30 year old self to give health advice. (Nothing else in your timeline will change! Only your health.) What is your advice? What habits, routines, exercises, benchmarks and/or knowledge do you impart to yourself?

The underlying metabolic disease that results in PCOS

I'm curious if you could provide your view on the underlying metabolic disease that results in the set of symptoms labelled as polycystic ovary syndrome and what your latest thoughts are on treating this syndrome or improving the long term outcomes for these patients? Would also love to hear you speak about the genetic side and how it may apply to other members of the family - both male and female. There are some interesting papers on this but still a long way to go. Would be interesting to see if you had any existing clinical experience that matches these. Few examples:

Most practical HR device to recommend for patients doing zone 2 work

In episode 19 zone 2 duration and frequency were nicely defined. Hitting intensity is the hard part for patients. I'm comfortable recommending a target heart rate for zone 2 for my patients but would like to hear Peter's most practical recommendation for patients regarding HR devices. I realize they may have touch plates on the treadmill they are using or could use a belt with treadmill but I'd prefer an inexpensive wearable that could be used during all activities. I have an old Apple watch(($195 now), Garmin 940(>$350 now) that have reliable pulse pickup on the wrist but are way too expensive to recommend. The Omron BP meter I suggest is only $45.... Any advice about an inexpensive wearable that doesn't require a chest strap?


Would love a deep-dive on this subject. Is it possible to become fat-adapted without staying in strict ketosis for a period of months, i.e. cyclical ketosis? Would it just take longer? Additionally, once an individual has become fat-adapted, how long would the benefit of metabolic flexibility last if you switch to a different diet/way of eating, i.e. slow-carb, paleo?

Reversatol & Nicotinamide Mononucleotide

Hi, what does Peter think of reversatol and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide?