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Covid mRNA vaccines -- your latest thoughts, pro or con?

My husband and I are mid-60s, getting closer to vaccine eligibility. We are in relatively good shape without major comorbidities and no allergies, but i keep reading concerns about possible long-term effects of the Covid mRNA vaccines, as well as lack of evidence showing effectiveness and safety. It feels like everyone in our near circle can't wait to get this vaccine, but having been 'lied' to for 30 years by the conventional medical establishment before discovering (with no help from them!) LCHF/keto which turned my health around, you will forgive me for being skeptical and jumping on the bandwagon. I am not so much concerned with allergic reactions as with the risk of unanticipated immune reactions down the road or, in the case of my daughters, problems with later fertility. This still feels pretty sketchy to me... What is your best advice at this point? PS: Does Prof. Delores Cahill know what she is talking about or is this "disinformation"? Not being a science genius, I have no idea... Maybe you do?

Resveratrol interview disparity

What is Peter's current thinking and position on Resveratrol? Richard Miller's more recent interview appeared to strongly contradict David Sinclair's position regarding Resveratrol on a recent (last year?) interview. Is this a supplement that should be considered for longevity? Or, should it be considered marketing hype...or something in-between?

Glucose reference range for CGM in healthy individuals

I have started wearing a CGM and am trying to find any reference as to what readings and variations in glucose readings are normal for healthy individuals. I know that this is fairly unchartered territory for healthy people, but was wondering if you are aware of any new developments.

Blindside of Longevity

Peter, been a fan since day one of the podcast but I cannot help but think of this question every time a “longevity” episode is posted. There is a major blindside of longevity and that is the lack of expression of cultural diversity. There are cultures that were living far beyond what they live today and we see this with cultures that have been pushed towards westernization. This is commonly overlooked in the allopathic model because it can not be packaged or prescribed. Medicine needs to recognize the reduction in mortality from being able to freely express ones culture. It can lead to logarithmic improvements in health span and life span. Could you speak on this?

research reports

Any updates on when you will be releasing/selling your research reports? I am a physician and would love to read them.