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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What are your thoughts on living well with an autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis?


The Ammortal Chamber is a very expensive wellness device for Performance and Longevity that is being heavily promoted in a lifestyle community where I live part time. Curious as to whether you're aware of it, have studied, and have an opinion on it....

Tamoxifen, HRT in Breast Cancer survivors

At what point post surgery, radiation is a stage one hormone positive breast cancer patient considered in remission and eligible for HRT? If Estrogen doesn't increase breast cancer ( per Dr Avrum Bluming, why would a patient (me) with an Oncotype score of 1, be asked to take Tamoxifen for 5 years. I also listened to #278, I am trying to determine the benefit, vs the horrible side effects. thanks

Vagal nerve stimulation

Dear Peter, What are your thoughts on vagal nerve stimulation? I have been considering buying the Nurosym. Are there health benefits? Thanks!

Effect of Alcohol on Weight Loss

You once suggested that alcohol could be considered a fourth nutrition source (in addition to carbohydrate, protein and fat). What is the impact of alcohol on weight loss, and how does the body use/prioritize the alcohol calorie source vs. other types of calories?