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Please do a deep dive on osteoarthritis (OA) treatment and whether any treatments can ameliorate OA, including slowing or preventing progression. Knee OA is making it increasingly difficult for me to keep up my exercize, and judging from other questions posted, OA is a problem for quite a few of us listeners. Thank you.


Peter, Thank you for another informative Premium Article. You and your team provide a wealth of knowledge armor for us fitness and health span advocates. For this topic, this is especially the case given the pervasive lack of understanding of proper Zone 2 training and its importance in the online community. Also, really liked your discussion on Dorain’s podcast. He once referred to me in a NY gym as a “strong little man”. Of course, at that time, my fragile 20 something ego only noticed “little” in his remark.

Allulose glycates protein even faster than fructose

Hi Peter, I came across an article describing the glycation properties of allulose and was surprised to learn that it glycates eve faster than fructose…..won’t that cause us to age even faster when we consume allulose?

Allulose Maillard reaction

This is the the title of the article on allulose glycation: Microwave glycation of soy protein isolate with rare sugar (D-allulose), fructose and glucose

Does Walking in Zone 1 trains your mitochondria the same but just a bit slower?

Looking at the first chart of this blog post, it looks like the fat oxidation is a continuum that stretches into Zone 1. Isn't it true that simply walking (in Zone 1) would also train your mitochondria the same what as precisely hitting the maximal fat oxidation of Zone 2 but do it in a slower way? Hitting FATmax is optimal, but for people willing to walk a little longer to offset the less efficient fat oxidation rate, isn't that a good trade-off? What am I missing?