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Alternatives to Statins

I get achey when I take statins. What is my next best option? Also - do cholesterol meds increase you chance of dementia since your brain needs cholesterol to function??

Eye health

Wouldn’t it be time for an update podcast or article on developments in eye health since 2022?

Meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes

This is related with the question,"Red Meat and Type 2 Diabetes". The mentioned study probably is the C. Li et al, "Meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes: an individual-participant federated meta-analysis of 1·97 million adults with 100 000 incident cases from 31 cohorts in 20 countries", Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2024; 12: 619–30. The quality of the study seems to be OK (since it has been published by the Lancet). As such, my question is twofold: (a) is the aforementioned study cool and its findings valid and (b), if the (a) is valid, could that be a reason to change the daily protein consumption guidelines ? Thank you very much!

Exercise on oxidative processes, immuno-exercise

I've been pondering for for a few years, since a friend was diagnosed at Mayo for chronic fatigue syndrome, the relationship between movement, exercise and inflammatory/oxidative effects on exercise and more importantly, the anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidative body responses. I was wondering if various molecular signaling in these ying/yang body responses goes awry when not enough stress is placed on the body through movement. In a way, this is metaphorically rhyming with immune system exposure to antigens increasing the efficacy of an immune system response. What are things for exercise enthusiast to look for in this dimension?

High Hgb A1C; nl CGM

For years I have been running hemoglobin A1c between 5.7 and 6.1. Have done CGM with Dexcom 7 as well as Libre 2 and the average glucose was in the upper 90s on both devices. That would seem to correlate with a hemoglobin A1c of 5.0. Not iron deficient. Not folate deficient. B12 normal. Any thoughts as to how to explain the discrepancy and in terms of metabolic risks, which is more important, average glucose or the hemoglobin A1c as measured in the lab?