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Is it really about the glucose?

If it were possible to measure insulin with a continuous insulin monitor, would we still need to bother so much about glucose isolated from insulin? What is the main purpose of focusing on the glucose metabolism besides knowing as early as possible the development of insulin resistance?

pre Afib Ablation workouts

Today, & a month or so prior to an ablation for persistent afib... My electrocardiography told me not to lift heavy. However, as we know, they don't have exercise training, & after watching 312 about Lactate Masterclass... I described to him how creating lactate engages those effects described in the 312 podcast. He then told me to just do what I read about. lol. So obviously he doesn't know. So he's leaving me to your guidance. I'd assume I need to lift to the point of getting that burn... but he didn't really say what (if any) down-side there would be to that. I'd appreciate any insight you can give as to whether or not there are diminishing returns to "lifting to the burn" while in persistant afib. Again, his initial response was no, but it's telling how quickly he turned once I presented science to him... & luckily his 25 years experience heard the bits of the podcast I quoted, & he intuitively told me to follow it. I would appreciate any insight into this matter. This is my first question as a member.

Blood glucose issues

Hi Peter, After seeing an A1C (I know it's not your favorite marker) of 5.7 I decided to investigate my blood glucose further. By anyone's standards, I eat pretty cleanly, am fairly lean (5'10", 172, and exercise 6 times per week. I am 47 and have been lifting weights since age 16. I decided to try a Dexcom CGM for a month to gather data. I found that my overall fasting glucose for the month was 104, which isn't great but more concerning is my body's response to food. For example, a small meal of chicken and vegetables will raise my glucose into the 140s. With one medium red potato I can hit the 160s. Do you see this as problematic? My fasting insulin when taken 4 and 11 months ago was 2.8 and 3.3. My GP suggested tirzepide but after listening to your AMA about it I don't think it's wise. Should I be considering things such as Metformin or an SGLT2 inhibitor? Thank you!

MitoQ supplement

What's your opinion on MitoQ supplement?

Antihistamines and adaptive response to excercise

Histamine seems to be a key mediator of many of the adaptive responses to excercise (insulin sensitivity, muscle glucose uptake, mitochondria synthesis etc). Antihistamines appear to significantly blunt these responses. Can the timing of antihistamine intake in relation to exercise be adjusted to minimise this?