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Alzheimer's Disease Mitigation protocols that call for a ketogenic diet

I am a healthy, 79 year old APOE4,E4 carrier who just scored .39 on the Ptau-217 blood test, well above normal range. Having studied the protocols from Dr. Bredesen's book and Dr. Sandison's protocols from her study on which her book coming out soon is based, both of these protocols call for a ketogenic diet in order limit the energy source in the brain to ketos rather than glucose. What are your thoughts?

Urolithin A

Is Urolithin a worthwhile supplement for someone who exercises regularly?

Cholesterol testing

What is your view on LDL particle testing and advanced lipid marker testing? Are these test helpful to decided whether or not one need to treat high overall cholesterol ?

BP and Lipids and body

I am a reasonably fit male in his late 50's. My BP has always fluctuated between sys 115 to 130 over 70 to 90. My lipids have run ldl 95-120 and hdl 38-45 total Cholesterol 180's. I have tried to lower them but calorie restriction is difficult since I do not want to lose anymore weight 6' 170. My doctor has suggested I take Crestor and I am looking into taking low dose Crestor and a low dose Tadalifil for it's anti inflammatory affects. My question is what do you tell someone like me who is thin and works out regular but my numbers are a little off? Thinking of alternating days with the two meds.

Measuring VO2 max

Hi Peter, Big fan from Cambridge in UK. Re measuring my VO2 max: can you confirm that a reasonable approximation, without doing the full test with mask etc, is to take peak METS during a workout & multiply by 3.5? My understanding from your note on this, is this is the method used on some of the big VO2 max studies you cite? Many thanks; keep up the great work.