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Low Free T

So if overall testosterone levels are good and have improved with lifestyle changes but free T is still low, what would be a way to boost free T or is that a situation that would warrant TRT?

An unusual question

I am a 54-year-old woman, height 170 cm, weight 49 kilos. My sports activity: swimming 4 times a week (relaxed), walking in zone 2 - twice a week, and flexibility and strength exercises - twice a week. Although I take nutritional supplements such as magnesium, powder Protein, I try to maintain a regular meal regimen. I can’t gain muscle mass. I would like to receive recommendations for a problem that is less common among women today.

Rapamycin and Hair Loss

I'd be interested in your opinions on the efficacy of rapamycin applied topically for hair loss. There are new medications being offered that claim rapamycin can rejuvenate the hair follicles and support hair regrowth. I saw a research study on mTORC1 activity negatively regulating hair follicle growth and pigmentation.

Cholesterol, Cornea Arcus, Macular Degeneration

I'm curious your thoughts on the relationship between high cholesterol, cornea arcus, and macular degeneration. I don't find any information correlating high cholesterol with macular degeneration. I am considering a statin (Apo(b) is 71) and wondering if it could have a positive impact on the ARMD, e.g. slow progression. I have early signs of ARMD; calcium score of zero; low blood pressure vs. high.

Low protein high carb diet associated with longevity… I’m trying to find a balance because of different articles that I read. I understand the sarcopenia issue because my father who lived until 100 could barely lift 3 pounds. On the other hand high meat diets seem to be associated with more disease.