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The food industry is not going to change overnight. So understanding that there are many chemicals that we may need to navigate in our diet especially regarding fruits and vegatables how efficient are our bodies at removing harmful toxins from our system. What sort of measures do you take to limit damage but still get the nutrients you need for optimum health.

Does rapamycin limit muscle hypertrophy?

Are you at all concerned that taking rapamycin is limiting muscle hypertrophy by reducing muscle synthesis/limiting anabolism? You seem concerned about how fasting has limited your muscle growth over the years (I think you’ve said something like it’s cost you 20 lbs of muscle), but I haven’t heard you mention this potential side effect of rapamycin. I am not an expert on rapamycin/sirolimus at all - I’m just learning about it thanks to you - but it seems possible that by limiting mtorc1, a regulator of protein synthesis, rapamycin would reduce protein synthesis/muscle hypertrophy and thus have a negative effect on overall body composition? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Safety of Omega 3 supplements: Any reason for concern following the latest studies?

The following study suggests that "Regular use of fish oil supplements might be a risk factor for atrial fibrillation and stroke among the general population". Is that a reason to take action?

not a question

I am not (!) associated with SciePro but I love their 'accurate digital 3d models of the human anatomy' For Peter, Courtney Conley, anyone Explore the Intricate Anatomy of the Foot

Is living a life discordant to your natural chronotype bad for your health?

I’m most definitely a natural nighttime person if left to my own devices, and proven(?) as genetically so in 23 and me. Working a day job and living in society in general, and especially after having children I have been forced to wake early each day and get to bed early each night to get enough sleep. Even when I get 8 hrs sleep I always struggle to wake in the morning, usually not fully alert until about 10:30 am after at least 2 strong coffees usually 3. Im just wondering if this constant living against my natural, genetically determined chronotype is bad for my health?