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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Pendulum question

On your Pendulum podcast with the company CEO, it was stated that the product is not heat stable but I have noted that each shipment that comes to me is warm to the touch even with an insulated box. When I call the company, they say not to worry because the product is heat stable. Which is it?

fish oil/DHA supplements

I have been reading that fish oil supplements can cause A fib in some people. I have a family history of this. Would you avoid that supplement with a family history?

ergothioneine - recent understanding of specific transport mechanism in human cells

Ergothioneine has recently been spotlighted due to a breakthrough in understanding its unique cellular transport mechanism. This amino acid is prioritized by a specific transporter protein, OCTN1, which acts as a dedicated "door" in cell membranes, suggesting its vital role in human health. Please, dedicate an email/AMA session to discuss: ergothioneine

Arrhythmias in the aging athlete or committed exerciser--causes of, types, managing, prevention, drug and supplement interactions

After 35 years as a committed (7-15 hours/week) exerciser, age 57, I have developed arrhythmias (high burden of PACs, PVCs, and the presence of SVTs and VTs). My heart rate monitor is no longer a tool I can use during exercise as my heart pauses or races on its own. I have decisions to make regarding beta blockers, anti-arrhythmia drugs, ablation. I don't know how and whether to continue training (still zone 5?) and how do I judge where my zone 2 is when my RPE is also affected by frequent palpitations. Is my statin contributing? How does HRT play into this? Recent weight gain? (The best book I've found on the subject is "The Haywire Heart" by Mandrola, Zinn, and Case, describing this epidemic among masters level endurance athletes.) I think a lot of your listeners would be interested in this subject!

Cosmetics, skin quality

Oh, I just thought that probably proven methods to look younger and having better skin quality might worth a recap& summary in the upcoming episodes? What are the proven agents, what are those, which does not work, and only a waste of money? ie.: retinol, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and so on. : )