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Upvote for Formula One Deep Dive

Growing up in the Wide World of Sports era I could never understand motor sports but I was more of a science Olympics type. Ignoring the main reason why I have listened to you for years. You are my Carlos Castaneda of motor sports and boxing (hopefully you don’t get discredited). I really enjoy all the stuff about racing and boxing. I liken it to colour commentary for American Football. I didn’t play football so I need help in seeing what just happened beyond the superficial. Your commentary contributes to my general conclusion that almost every human endeavour is interesting if you can explore it in the right way. Side note for some reason I always liked Ayrton Senna. Years ago I was out to lunch with the external auditor for my company. He mentioned that he and his fiancée were going to Brazil to meet her family. I mentioned that he might chitchat about Senna. At that time I didn’t realize what a huge deal he still was. Anyway he reported back that my suggestion was really like asking his future in laws to talk about their most beloved saint. Anyway one upvote for history of Formula One


After listening to the Podcast FoundMyFitness by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, I asked my cardiologist the question, cost aside would you agree psk9 inhibators are the best means (most effective, least side effects) for treating patients with ASCVD? He replied " No, anything that gets LDL down super low, and for some people, Lp(a) down, is a winner. Cheapest mixture statin and ezetimibe a winner for most." Could you please comment or if you have already addressed this topic in a podcast or AMA, could you please let me know where. My feeling, although admittedly probably incorrect, is that most cardiologists only really know about statins. Thank you,

Cleerly CCAT

Cleerly Health - - (and possibly others) appear to be changing the ASCVD treatment landscape. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. Thank you,

Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test

In a podcast, you commented a Desmosterol level below 0.8 was problematic. I understand you do not provide medical advice. However, could you please tell me what questions you would ask my cardiologist to determine the possible reasons for my low Production Markers (Lathosterol, Desmosterol) and Absorption Marker (Campesterol). My Absorption Marker Beta-sitoserol was high. I tested twice a month apart with results approximately the same each time. Each test resulted in a TNP (test not performed) for the Cholesterol Balance Score "due to technical limits of the assay" (too low values). Test#1 - Lathosterol, Desmosterol levels below detection limit. Test#2 - Demosterol below detection limit. Note, Consideration recommended taking ezetimibe if cholesterol lower is indicated, but I was already on 10 mg/day along with 10 mg/day Crestor. Thank you.

All things SKIN

Skin aging is more than just aesthetics. Skin cancer is growing and fragile skin is a medical problem. How do we not only prevent skin cancer and skin fragility but turn back the clock if we’ve been less than perfect? What skin care actives work? Are foreign sunscreens really safe and better? Are “clean” ingredients important? Does BBL light treatment cause the skin to “act like younger skin” as the study claims. Can CO2 laser help prevent skin cancer? There are so many in office treatment options as well as prescription and OTC products. What works and what is just an expensive magic potion? The list goes on….